From a Diary of an adult suffering from skin diseases 📝
As far as I can remember, I had red and pricky skin lesions on my skin. I felt an intense itching on the back of my knees, sometimes on the neck, and all over my body.
And, whenever, I scratch the skin,
Oh my goodness!!
Pain and burning sensation got so severe.
Seasonal Variations were always a nightmare for me.
Due to the change in seasons, be it the transition from summer to rainy or rainy to winter, skin lesions start appearing. My skin became more itchy.
Now, because of all these changes I have seen since my childhood, I have become more attentive to my health. In this journey to live with skin disorders diagnosed as eczema, I got on standby to make notes.
Here are few things I have noticed while living with eczema and practised in my life:
👉 Attentive while using cosmetics- I am very cautious while using any cosmetics whether it is organic, Ayurveda, herbal, or anything. I don't blindly put anything on my skin.
👉 Be cautious during seasonal changes- During seasonal variations, I am always watchful to avoid aggravating factors.
👉 Friendship with moisturizer- Regular moisturizing of the body has become an integral part of my life. Never ever, I skip moisturizing my skin and coconut oil works best for me.
👉 Maintain stress- In a stressful situation, I try to keep my stress maintained, but unfortunately, I am not good at that. Because of this, my eczema starts aggravating.
👉 Say no to scratching- Controlling Itching is foremost important, but that's so difficult at the same time. But it will be best to try, not to scratch as it will spread the lesions rapidly.
👉 Mindful eating- Eating healthy food along with seasonal fruits is the cherry on top. A healthy gut influences the triggering factors of skin diseases and thus helps to subside the skin lesion.
👉Treatment Plan- Discuss the treatment with a Doctor who works for you. Be it any science like Modern Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, or Siddha.
I know living with a disease isn't easy. And when the disease affects your physical appearance, it will somehow hinder your confidence.
When another person sees this lesion, some show sympathy, some give unreliable advice, and some disregard you. People pointing fingers at your skin hinder your confidence, but you know that this is your life and your skin.
But you know what you are not a culprit. You are not the reason this disease happens to you. So don't let them affect you. Your body is different from others.
You are special and different, so your life will also be unique.
Just work on your well-being and be confident.
تعمل برج تبريد للبيع علي منع دخول الحشرات والغبار حيث يُشكل الهواء المنطلق حاجزًا يمنع دخول الأتربة والحشرات من الخارج وتحسين جودة الهواء الداخلي حيث تساهم الفلاتر في بعض الستائر في تنقية الهواء قبل ضخه، مما يرفع جودة الهواء الداخلي.
ReplyDeleteتوفر الموازين البسكول الحديثة قياسات دقيقة جدًا حتى في الأوزان الثقيلة (تصل إلى آلاف الكيلوغرامات). تُستخدم تكنولوجيا متقدمة لضمان أن القياس يكون دقيقًا حتى في ظروف العمل القاسية. وتتميز موازين بسكول متحركه الحديثة بقدرتها على تحمل أوزان ضخمة. يمكن أن تتراوح قدرة التحمل من عدة أطنان إلى مئات الأطنان حسب نوع الميزان واستخدامه.