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Shine On: A sunshine vitamin to a Brighter, Healthier Life

All of us know about vitamins, an essential nutrient for the body. There are many vitamins C, vitamins A, vitamins B, and so on. But you know there is another vitamin essential for our body which we get 90% naturally from nature.  Yes, you read it right, it is vitamin D.  Vitamin D is abundant in nature despite that, its deficiency is prevalent in all age groups and has been affecting the worldwide population.  Let's dive into the blog to learn more about vitamin D.  What is Vitamin D?  Vitamin D is also known as the Sunshine vitamin. A fat-soluble vitamin acts as a steroid hormone and aids in calcium absorption in your body.  Vitamin D is present in two forms:  Vitamin D2- It is obtained from UV radiation. Also, it exists in oil-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, etc.  Vitamin D3 - It is derived directly from UVB light from the sun. When absorbed through the skin from sunlight, synthesized by our body.  Why do we need Vitamin D?  Vitamin D has several benefits for our body. For heal

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