DIY remedy for pimples ( Acne)

DIY Remedy For Pimples ( Acne )

Acne or pimples is a major problem for teenagers both for male and females. The majority of us experienced this problem some have experienced 2-3 pimples in all his/her adolescence some of maybe experienced a lot.

I know you all read so many blogs, articles regarding this topic. Almost each and every fashion blogger or a health-related make blog regarding this topic some of you get brilliant results by using there remedies some of you may be not relief.

So, first of all, I am giving you main utmost important advice regarding any remedies you read or you follow is you should be very patient about this, there will be no sudden relief it all takes time, there is no magic which suddenly disappears all your marks and pimples so be careful and patient.
In this post you don't read typical home remedies blog where I share about around 10 remedies, I share only one remedy so keep on reading.

Basically I am going to share my Nani Nushke which I believe is very much effective rather than any cosmetic product. But before this, I am going to share some incidents about this.
One day me and me Nani ( maternal grandmother ) was sitting and I was so amazed since my childhood to see my Nani's skin there was no mark of any pimple or any other mark, at the age of 70yrs till her skin glows radiant, I was very curious to know about her secret, she then told me that in there time there was not any soap, no facewash nothing else they only use homemade products for there skin. It was homemade products and as well as a diet that she never had any breakouts of pimples.
Now I am likely to share homemade product my Nani told me so let's start -

The DIY remedy she told me was the use of besan ( gram flour ) paste, she used to apply besan sometimes before bathing and sometimes during bathing.
The procedure of making besan paste is according to the type of skin -some of us have oily skin and some of us have dry skin so for each type besan is used accordingly.

For oily skin besan ( gram flour ) should be used with curd -  2 teaspoons of besan ( gram flour ) should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of curd to make a paste and then apply evenly over your face and neck. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and after 15-20 minutes start massaging your face for about 2-3 minutes and wash it properly.

For dry skin besan should be advised to use with milk - same as above 2 teaspoons of besan mixed with 1 teaspoon of milk and applied evenly. Let it remain for 15-20 minutes and after pastes about to dry massage for about 2-3 minutes, then wash it properly.

This DIY remedy is very much easy to apply you all have to do one thing make a box of besan and store in your bathroom so every morning when you are about to bath just apply besan paste with one of the above two-ingredient according to your skin type. But be patient make it your habit as our grandparents make It there a habit, I am sure you all may get results when you apply this.
And also make it clear in your mind if you have lot's of pimples and experienced itching then I request you to consult your doctor whether an Allopathic practitioner, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic or any other therapy it's all upon your choice and your belief but make sure you consult, any home remedies you read online doesn't help you.
I hope you all find It useful, Thank you for reading this.

All the information in the above blog is only to make you all aware of Ayurveda and it's efficiency.
Always contact your doctor. Self medications are dangerous for health.


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