Leech Therapy ( Jalukavacharan) - For purification of blood
Leech Therapy ( Jalukavacharan)
Yes you read right leech therapy, This is actually a procedure practiced and it's very useful in treating the many problems of patients.
I know some of you may find it shocking like how a leech is used as a therapy, what is actually a leech therapy.
So let's start with this amazing topic.
Leech - Hirudo medicinalis is a type of leech used in treating so also known as a medicinal leech, the medicinal leech is found to have about 60 different proteins in its saliva some of them are hirudin ( anticoagulant ), apyrase and collagenase ( platelet aggregation inhibitors ) which helps in treating particular diseases.
Leech in Sanskrit called as Jaluka ( जलुका ). It means a living thing which lives in Jala, whose food is Jala, all dependent is Jala.
Leech Therapy is a type of procedure in which medicinal leech is allowed to suck the blood from the desired part of the body.
There are some conditions in which leech therapy is majorly advised -
Skin diseases - In a variety of Skin diseases leech therapy is actually very beneficial some conditions are Acne vulgaris ( pimples ), psoriasis, and acute infection of diseases.
Alopecia - Loss of hair from part of the head, leech actually sucks only impure blood from the desired part and helps in regrowth of hair.
Varicose veins - Condition majorly occurred due to prolonged standing in which person suffered from dilated veins in legs associated with moderate to severe pain, in this condition leech therapy is used and worked efficiently because leech's saliva contains a protein name hirudin which is actually an anticoagulant and helps in treating it.
Diabetic foot - This is an infectious condition that occurred in Diabetic patients because of an uncontrolled sugar level and as a complication of Diabetes mellitus.
Preparation of patient -
- First of all, the patient is advised to stop using any type of moisturizer, soap, or oil to the desired place before appointment.
- Leech therapy is given only after checking the blood routine investigations.
- Then accordingly leech therapy session is planned, generally, after 7 days leech is applied again to the desired part.
- Be mentally prepared to undergo this procedure.
- Be calm and have patience as always nonpoisonous leech is applied.
- Most importantly Leech therapy is not a painful procedure it gives only mild pain as of ant bite so remain calm throughout the procedure.
Procedure -
The desired part is first clean with plain water and then leech is subjected to attach itself to the site of lesion and leech starts to suck blood but if it fails to attach by its own then a small puncture is made with a sterile needle on the lesion to make it bleed and then leech is applied.
When leech starts sucking the blood at that time mild pain is felt at that place.
After sometime leech falls down by itself after sucking the impure blood but if it continues sucking even after the desired time then it is removed manually.
After removal of leech a medicated powder is poured over the site and then bandaging is done.
The patient is advised to walk or move only after taking rest for about 15-30 minutes.
When leech starts sucking the blood at that time mild pain is felt at that place.
After sometime leech falls down by itself after sucking the impure blood but if it continues sucking even after the desired time then it is removed manually.
After removal of leech a medicated powder is poured over the site and then bandaging is done.
The patient is advised to walk or move only after taking rest for about 15-30 minutes.
- Eat light and easily digestible food after therapy.
- Do not consume heavy meals.
- Avoid continuous studying.
- Avoid physical exercise.
- Exposure to sunshine is strictly prohibited.
- Day sleep and excessive traveling should also avoid.
This is an overview of Leech therapy to make you all aware of this amazing therapy, I hope you all find it informative and if any of your closed ones have the above-mentioned condition then give this therapy a try.
Thank you all for reading this.
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