Awareness on COVID-19 ( Corona virus )

Coronavirus or COVID-19 a pandemic an infectious disease that is affecting almost all the countries of the world. The first case of coronavirus was noted at Wuhan ( China ) in late December 2019, then many cases were noted in the provinces of Wuhan, several patients came in hospitals with symptoms like severe pneumonia. Chinese authorities informed the WHO ( World Health Organization) with a sudden outbreak of clusters of pneumonia cases. Later on this virus was named coronavirus or COVID 19.
The Source of this sudden outbreak was unknown but in china almost 66% of patients suffering from COVID 19 had a history of eating seafood. that's why the seafood market was closed in China and in some research, coronavirus had genetic similarity with bats.

Now the question arises how the virus spreads.

Coronavirus is spread from infected droplets of the positive patients, from aerosols and with contact like hand contact and with surface contacts.

Precautionary measures to combat this virus such as -

  • Resist touching your face 
  • Frequently clean your hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching surfaces while going outside.

Symptoms of COVID 19 are -

  • High-grade fever 
  • sore throat 
  • shortness of breath 

One of the most important questions when to consult your doctor? 

  • If you are suffering from any respiratory distress or infection then you should consult the doctor.
  • You are having a traveling history to corona affected areas.
  • If you are in contact with the coronavirus-positive patient.

But if you are asymptomatic and have travel history then you should also self isolate yourself.

This virus shows the presentation of mild symptoms in young age patients and severe symptoms in elderly peoples.
High-risk populations that are most likely to be affected are elderly people and persons suffering from underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic respiratory problems ( asthma).
Also it is better to take precautions for pregnant women might get affected by a coronavirus which can affect both mother and baby.

Treatment of COVID-19
Currently there is no specific treatment for coronavirus but some drugs are used to treat the positive cases.

Steps to control the spread of infection -

  • Firstly clean your hands regularly, wash your hands for 20 seconds for most effective results. 
  • Maintain social distance 
  • Follow good respiratory hygiene means use tissue while coughing or sneezing and always disposed of the tissue in the closed dustbin but if you have no tissue then cough or sneeze on your bent elbow.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel.
  • Follow the guidelines of the government very seriously.

 As an Ayurvedic practitioner I am making you aware of coronavirus and requesting you all to stay at home and be safe. If you think you have strong immunity power and can go outside as it will not harm you just think about those who also thought the same and got affected. You can also check the death toll of the world. Being a Doctor, I recommend all of you to strictly follow the guidelines of government and In case, you are facing symptoms regarding this kindly consult the doctor immediately.

So stay indoors stay safe.


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