General Guidelines For Panchakarma
Panchakarma emerges as one of the important therapy worldwide due to its great effectiveness in treating chronic illness, sedentary lifestyle, and also due to the promotion of health.
As there is a great myth about Ayurveda that it doesn't have any side-effects whatever we do during the procedure or during the treatment it does not affect our body but it's not true whenever the therapy or treatment did carelessly and without any certain guidelines it leads to various complications and doesn't give beneficial effects as according to the therapy.
Dietic and behavioral regimes should be followed before, during, and after the Panchakarma procedures. Each panchakarma therapy has its guidelines and regulation but in general, if you are going under panchakarma therapy., there are certain guidelines throughout as well as after the panchakarma procedures which are essential to follow to attain beneficial effects of the therapy.
Certain guidelines are-
- Easy and light digestible foods are advised throughout the panchakarma procedures. There are some exceptions like one night before undergoing Vamana Karma curds, fish, sweet dishes are advised to provoke Kapha dosha and in Virechana karma hot, warm foods like meat soup, spicy food are advised to provoke Pitta dosha.
- During the whole course of Panchakarma, it is advised to drink boiled warm water.
- Consumption of Barley, green gram(mung beans), buttermilk, and khichdi are advised.
- Fruits like pomegranates, oranges, grapes, gooseberry, and seasonal fruits are preferable in the diet.
- Good Sleep hygiene should be practiced. Sleep is as important as diet, 7-8 hours of sleep is a must.
- Water boiled with dhyanaka, dry ginger should be consumed if any digestive problem occurs.
- Avoid reading too much.
- Avoid excessive use of mobile phones, tablets, or laptops.
- A cheerful, hopeful, and confident frame of mind is important during the treatment.
- A warm bath should be encouraged as it gives relaxation and promotes better circulation of blood.
- Strenuous work should be restricted completely.

8 Major Restrictions mention in literature as Ashta-Mahadoshakara-Bhava should be avoided-
- Speaking loudly
- Excessive traveling
- Excessive walking
- Continuous sitting
- Consumption of food before the digestion of the earlier meals or quite frequently.
- Consumption of unwholesome food
- Day Sleep
- Sexual Intercourse
These general guidelines and restrictions should be followed until the desired effect of Panchakarma are attained by an individual.
If you are interested in Panchakarma therapy and don't know the general guidelines, and precautions then I hope it can help you.
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