Myths About PCOS
We are much aware that PCOS is the most common menstrual disorder affecting the majority of females which hamper their social activities. So, there are some common myths about PCOS along with their truth.
MYTH 1- PCOS as termed as lifestyle disorder affects only obese women.
TRUTH- It is true that PCOS is a lifestyle disorder and commonly affects obese women but there are many cases in which PCOS affects lean thin females. It is not necessary if you are thin then you will not be affected by PCOS.
Ayurveda View- Diseases are caused due to the imbalance in the three doshas ( Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) with a predominance of specific doshas it causes symptoms like in Vata dosha predominance PCOS patient is lean and thin and In Kapha dosha predominance patient is obese.
MYTH 2- Every female having Dysmenorhhea ( excessive pain during the menstrual cycle) is suffering from PCOS.
TRUTH- It is not true that every female suffering from Dysmenorrhea is suffering from PCOS, there are several other causes of Dysmenorrhea such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc. Also before diagnosis PCOS, it is important to rule out the standard criteria of diagnosis of PCOS.
Ayurveda View- Pain In Ayurveda is related to Vata Dosha, if one indulging herself in Vata dosha predominance food and habits it leads to an aggravation of it and causes pain during menstruation.
MYTH 3- Every female suffering from Irregular Menstrual Cycle is suffering from PCOS.
TRUTH- Irregular menses is one of the major points to diagnose PCOS but not every female that are suffering from irregular menses for sure needs to be affected by PCOS, it is important to rule out other possible causes of the irregular menstrual cycle as well as important to rule out other associated symptoms of PCOS to confirmed it. Some other causes of the irregular menstrual cycle are Endometriosis, Ectopic Pregnancy, Stress, Birth control Pill, Copper IUD, etc. Also, At the stage of menarche ( period of onset of 1st menstrual cycle), it is normal to experience an irregular menstrual cycle.
Ayurveda View- Irregular menses are caused due to the imbalance in Tridoshas, especially Vata dosha leads to the irregular menstrual cycle, one can observe on its own if they are indulging themselves in Vata dosha predominant factors such as Stress, Sleeping late at night, Excessive physical work, etc it leads to the irregular menstrual cycle.
MYTH 4- PCOS leads to infertility.
TRUTH- It is not completely true that PCOS leads to infertility there are some chances of complications during conceiving and pregnancy but with adequate care, there are chances of normal pregnancy.
MYTH 5- There is no treatment for PCOS. It is incurable.
TRUTH- PCOS treatment is difficult and it requires a great amount of patience from an affected one. During the whole course of treatment, it is necessary to follow the advice of your doctor strictly. PCOS treatment is available in Ayurveda, Allopathy, and Homeopathy all have their protocol in treating PCOS, It depends on the patient in which therapy she believes.
Ayurveda View- Obese as well as lean thin PCOS patients can be effectively treated by Ayurveda therapies. It can be correlated easily with Artava-Vyapad ( Menstrual disorders), or with the principle of Santarpanjanya Roga and Apatarpanjanya Roga. Panchakarma therapies (bio-purification) is much effective treatment along with medicines as it clears out the toxins and expel them out of the body and brings back the homeostasis of the body. Several kinds of research can prove effective management of PCOS through Ayurveda.
I hope these myth busters help you in clearing out your misunderstanding regarding PCOS. As PCOS treatment is a long journey with lots of problems so it is important to make yourself aware correctly, motivate yourself, and determine your will to combat these hidden epidemics named PCOS.

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