General Measures To Enhance The Body's Natural Defence System

An outbreak of COVID-19 ( Coronavirus ), Our ministry of Ayush proposes several measures to enhance the body defense system, some immunity boosters to help us in this outbreak.

So I am just going to explain, to make you all aware of the self modulator tips, general measures which our ministry already recommended.

  1. Drink warm water throughout the day.
Tip - Never warm water of full day in one go. Always warm the water before drinking it will be highly beneficial for our health.

     2.  Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama, and meditation for at least 30 minutes.

Yoga and Ayurveda are like a sister therapy, one of the best and easy to understand Yogasana is Surya namaskar. In Suryanamaskar there are 12 steps each step is easy to do and you can learn them easily.

     3. Use Haldi ( Turmeric powder), Jeera (cumin), Dhaniya ( coriander), and lahsun( garlic) in cooking.

Haldi - An ancient spice, easily available in the kitchen has several health benefits - it works as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and shows beneficial effects in treating upper respiratory problems. 

Jeera-  Also an easily available spice of our kitchen, It work as an appetizer, helps in maintaining digestive fire of our body as if digestive fire remains good it ultimately leads to good health.
During this lockdown period almost most of us eat oily spicy food which hampers our health so the use of jeera countered the adverse effect of unhealthy eating habits and promote digestive fire. 

Dhaniya - A herb commonly used in the kitchen. In Ayurveda Dhaniya with its medicinal qualities is believed to pacify a fever, cough, and to balance three doshas of our body. 

Lahsun - It helps in proper digestion of food, gives us protection against fever, and helps in the promotion of health.

  1. Chyavanprash - A very common medicine found in stores, used by several families from many decades. It is a combination of several medicinal herbs like Aamla, Bilva, Agnimantha, Punarnava, Draksha, etc. which helps in treating cough, breathlessness, urine related problems, and many more. It provides energy, promotes immunity, and also it is good for mental health.                                                          
  2. Herbal Tea - For making herbal tea use Tulsi, Dalchini, Kalimirch, Shunthi, and Munakka with 8 times of water, boiled it till it remains 1/4th of it. In easy terms take 1 glass of water, boil it till it remains 1 cup, and then drink warm tea.    ( for taste add jaggery or lemon juice )
          Tulsi - A holy plant of Hindu mythology. It is a medicinal plant used in Ayurveda for treating upper respiratory disorders like cough, breathlessness, and also it helps in promoting digestive fire.

         Dalchini - It helps in treating dryness present in the throat region, it provides a soothing effect to the throat and also helps in providing strength to our body.

        Kalimirch - One of the easily available spices of our kitchen helps in treating respiratory problems and also a promoter of digestive fire.  

        Shunthi - A dry ginger is one of the best drugs in treating Agnimandya ( indigestion ), to promote the healthy digestive fire. It is good for purification of tongue and throat region as if used in herbal tea with other medicinal herbs helps in treating sore throat, purifies unwanted particles from throat region. Also it helps in treating cough and other respiratory problems.

       Munakka - Dry Raisins is a dry fruit that helps in treating upper respiratory problems along with this it also promotes the strength and gives the energy to our body. 
[Summary - Above all these drugs combinly  have properties of treating upper respiratory problems , promotes digestive fire and also provides strength to our body.]

       3. Golden milk - Hot milk with turmeric ( Haldi ) powder once or twice a day.
         Haldi has beneficial properties in treating cough and work as anti-inflammatory drugs and along with milk which is known as the main source for providing energy and several essential nutrients to our body. 
Tip - Some of you might suffer from indigestion after drinking milk so in that case take half glass of warm milk along with warm water and dilute it then add Haldi in it and drink it, as by diluting water milk became easy to digest and you don't felt any problem which you suffered previously.

  1. Nasal application - Nasya for immunity booster measure should be used regularly. Pratimarsha Nasya a  type of Nasya in which a small quantity of medicine is used around 2 drops for each nostril. 
Tip - Take sesame oil/coconut oil or ghee in a nasal dropper if you have one in your house or use sterilized cotton or simply use cleaned fingers, dip into ghee or oil, and poured in each nostril. 
For better effects firstly gently massage your face area around the nose for about 2-3 minutes then placed a warmed towel over a nose and then poured drops in nostrils. 

After this gargle your mouth with warm water mixed with a pinch of salt in it.

      2. Oil pulling therapy- Take one tablespoon oil in the mouth and move the oil throughout in the mouth remember do not drink only swish in your mouth for about 2-3 minutes and then spit it out. After this repeat the same process with warm water and then rinse it.

These above points were already recommended by the Ministry of Ayush, Here I just try to explain these points briefly to make it easily understandable and to help of all you to use them properly.
This time as an Ayurvedic practitioner  I am just trying to make you all aware of this outbreak and help you all to promote your health employing Ayurveda science.
I hope you all are safe.
Stay home.
Stay healthy.


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