Panchakarma for Strengthen the Immune System

Panchakarma the core strength of Ayurveda, a type of treatment modality that not only helpful in treating diseases but also has a great role in achieving good health.

As in the ongoing series on Immunity on our platform, this article mainly focused on Panchakarma for strengthening the immune system. 

Panchakarma for Strengthen the Immune System 

Panchakarma a word formed by two words i.e Pancha + karma which means five main procedures like Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshan. Actually, it's a broad term, in which Snehana, Swedana i.e Purva karma, and dietic regimes after the procedure are also included. 

Panchakarma along with detoxification property has wider therapeutic effects like curative, rejuvenating, preventive, and promotive.

For attaining different beneficial effects the course of panchakarma is planned accordingly. 

Days of course of Panchakarma as scheduled by Ayurveda physician is set along with specific medicines to attain these effects.

Panchakarma works on two dimensions for easy understanding let's say there are some procedures that have to be taken under Ayurveda physician guidance and they are full-term detoxification programs to attain health and to improve the weakened immune system like full Panchakarma procedures which include all 5 main procedures. 

On the other hand, Some are the simple panchakarma therapies that one can adopt in their lifestyle to attain good health and if performed in long term helps in attaining good health and improve the immune system. 

These therapies are - 

1. Abhyanga - In today's time one can not go to a therapist for massaging so self-massage is a key to experience and learn to maintain good health. Practicing abhyanga has several health benefits so adopt it as soon as possible. 

2. Pratimarsha Nasya- Simple nasal drops of medicated oil works wonder in improving immunity and attaining better health. 

3. Kavala- Oil pulling therapy, just like brushing your teeth, Kavala a panchakarma procedure has to practice in a daily routine to strengthen the immune system. 

Practice these therapies in a long term along with a healthy diet to maintain good health. 

Benefits of Panchakarma 

  • Panchakarma therapies are said to be Bala pushtyam means helps in gaining strength, and a person undergoing these therapies lives a long disease-free life.
  • It has its supremacy to return normalcy and rejuvenate the tissue. With their principles and mode of action of these Panchakarma therapies
  • It helps in revitalizing the tissues. 
  • It is mentioned as a prophylactic measure an important measure in the context of epidemic and pandemic. 
  • It decreases the probability of diseases as it eliminates the toxins out of the body, excretes the stagnated waste from the body.
  • It cleanses the channel and maximizes the absorption of food.
  • In classical texts, the Seasonal Panchakarma procedures were mentioned that are important to practice to strengthen the immune system. 


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