Seasonal Panchakarma

India, as all know is a country full of diversity also has diversity in seasons, People of  India are the lucky ones who enjoy various seasons but with enjoyment also there comes the season-related problem. Seasons in India are spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter, and winter season.
With each season there are changes in habits, temperature, food habits, and also changes in disease.
In Ayurvedic Classical Context for healthy living in each season-specific Panchakarma was explained but somehow with time in the race of modernization we left out our roots. So I am going to give u some overview of Panchakarma specifically indicated in that particular season.

Seasonal Panchakarma 

Let's start - Pair of two months form one Ritu i.e one season and in one year there are six Ritu ( 12 months ).

Pre Winter Season and Winter Season  -

November to December is included in Pre winter season and January to February months are included in the winter season.  In Pre winter season and Winter season due to cold wind air there is dushti in Vata Dosha and an increase in Agni ( Digestive Fire ).

Healthy living, in both, the season's same therapies are mentioned.
  • Abyanga - Massage in specific directions with medicated oils. It assists in the development of a healthy body, helps to maintain the original luster of the skin, restores natural immunity of person, helps in rejuvenation of body tissues, relaxes the body muscles, and many more.
  • Swedana - Induction of sweating for medical purposes. This process helps in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body and also in winter season it cures feeling of cold.
  • Utsadana - Application of medicated herbal paste over the body for a certain period. It helps in reducing the stress, beneficial in detoxification of the skin, and promotes blood circulation. 
  • Shiro abhyanga - Application of massage in specific directions over the scalp region is known as Shiroabhyanga. It is ideal for routine practice for healthy well being, helps in treating dandruff, hair fall, premature graying, headache, and many more.
  • Virechana - A process of expelling the morbid dosha out of the body through the anal route.

Spring Season - 

March and April months come under the Spring season. In these months Kapha dosha is in the morbid state that leads to various diseases so for better health Shodhan therapy like Vamana, Nasya, Utsadana, Dhumpana, and  Kavala.

  • Vamana -  A Therapeutic process through which toxins are removed by the induction of vomiting.
  • Nasya - A procedure in which medicine is administered through the nose.
  • Utsadana - Application of medicated paste over the body for a certain period.
  • Dhumpana - A therapeutic procedure in which smoke of medicated drugs is inhaled. It helps in the removal of accumulated morbid Kapha dosha.
  • Kavala - Gargling with particular medicine is also indicated in the spring season for the betterment of health. 

Summer Season - 

The month of May and June experienced most of the hot, dry hot wind is majorly felt this month which leads to an aggravation of Vata dosha and reduction in individual strength. So therapies like Abhyantar Snehapana and Pralepa are advised. 
  • Abhyantara Snehapana  - Internal oral administration of medictaed oil or ghee is called as abhyantara snehapana.
  • Pralepa - Process of application of medicated herbal paste-like cold drugs to remove the adverse effects of extreme sunlight. 

Rainy Season -

July and August are the month of the rainy season ( monsoon ), continuous rain leads to the morbidity of Tridosha ( Vata, Pitta, and Kapha ) and diminished digestive fire. Therapies like Udvartan, Snehapana, and Basti are indicated in the rainy season.

  • Udvartana - Massaging the whole body with medicated herbal powder in a specific direction. 
  • Basti - Procedure in which medicine is induced through rectal, vaginal, or urethral route.

Autumn Season - 

After the rainy season and before the winter season is autumn season, in which the sun appears in the sky following the clouds. There is a risk of morbidity of Pitta dosha hence procedures like Virechana, Raktamokshana, and Nasya are indicated for the pacification of Pitta dosha.
  • Virechana - Process of expelling the toxins out from the body through the anal route.
  • Raktamokshan-  Minor surgical procedure of allowing the blood to bleed to some extent.
  • Nasya - Administration of medicine through nasal route.

These above are the therapeutic procedures which were mentioned in our Ayurvedic Samhitas for healthy well being of a person as each season comes with it's each positive factor as well as negative factors and for cope up with negative factor Panchakarma is highly recommended.

So I hope all of you find this blog interesting and informative. 


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