How Ayurveda Rasayana therapy is boon for Immune System

Have you ever heard of Rasayana? Are you aware Ayurveda has a description of a treatment modality that works wonders for the Immune system? 

So let's take a look at this article to find out these questions.


Rasayana - A boon for the Immune System 

Rasayana is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda science. It is a therapy mentioned by all the Acharyas of Ayurveda in their works of literature with some minute changes. From Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita to 17th Century literature like Yogaratnakar all give brief descriptions about Rasayana.

What is Rasayana?

Rasayana means a modality through which all the essence of the body gets proper nutrition that leads to healthy life and longevity. 
The main aim of Rasayana is to promote longevity and diseased free life. 

It can be in the form of herbs, herbomineral formulations, or behavioral regimes. 
Rasayana herbs or herbomineral formulations work by maintaining the digestive fire, cleanses the channel of the body, and lastly provides nutrition. 
Nutrition reaches each and every aspect of the body and improves the immune system. 

But it is believed if a person undergoes Rasayana after the Panchakarma then the benefits are highest. The person attains great benefits in a short duration of time. So Panchakarma, herbs, formulation, and behavioral regimes all work together to protect physical as well as mental health. 

Some Rasayanas are-

[Disclaimer - The medicines of Rasayan should always be taken under the physician's guidance.] 

Behavioral regimes-

It is also known as Achara Rasayana. 

It means self-discipline training for calming the mind and that is essential to follow during Rasayana. 

Some behavioral regimes are-

  • Be truthful
  • Avoid anger
  • Stay away from alcohol consumption
  • Restrict yourself from violence
  • Dodge exhaustion
  • Withdraw yourself from excessive thinking

Benefits of Rasayana-

Rasayana has several benefits if taken under proper guidance and with proper regulation. 

Some benefits are- 

  • Used in Geriatrics 
  • Provides nutrition for rejuvenation of body 
  • Improves intellectual. 
  • Good for mental health. 
  • Helps in protecting the body against diseases
  • Increases the immunity
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Good for sense organs
  • Eliminates lethargy and fatigues
  • Balances Tridosha
  • Improves digestive power
  • Good for strength
  • Promotes natural health
  • Increases energy level 

Rasayana has great potential in promoting a healthy life by improving the immune system but they are not only confined to this they also have importance in treating the diseases. From ancient times Rasayana is used for treating diseases as well as promoting health. 


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